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12/31/69 | Delete | |
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largeCapBroad | 12/28/23 | Delete |
largeCapBroad | 12/28/23 | Delete |
sociallyResponsible | 08/24/21 | Delete |
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Predefined Screens
- Commodity ETFs
Commodity fund investments can be made directly in physical assets or commodity linked derivative instruments. Use the Morningstar Categories to refine your results or find a specific commodity type.
- Balanced ETFs
Find ETFs that generally include a mix of stocks and bonds in varying proportions according to the fund's investment outlook. Includes Target Date funds.
- Currency ETFs
Currency portfolios invest in US and foreign currencies through the use of short term money market instruments; derivative instruments, including and not limited to, forward currency contracts, index swaps and options; and cash deposits.
- Large Cap ETFs - Broad Based
Large-blend ETFs have portfolios that are fairly representative of the overall stock market in size, growth rates, and price. They tend to invest across the spectrum of U.S. industries.
- Large Cap ETFs - Style Based
ETFs that fall under the Large Cap Growth and Large Cap Value Morningstar Categories. Use the Morningstar Category criteria to select just one of the styles.
- Small Cap ETFs - Broad Based
Small blend ETFs that track indices at the smaller end of the market-capitalization range, and are flexible in the types of small caps they buy.
- Small Cap ETFs - Style Based
ETFs that fall under the Small Cap Growth and Small Cap Value Morningstar Categories. Use the Morningstar Category criteria select just one of the styles.
- Int'l Equity ETFs - Broad Based
ETFs that fall under the Morningstar Global Large Stock and Foreign Asset Class based categories. These funds typically invest in developed countries and some emerging markets.
- Int'l Equity ETFs - Regional
Find ETFs that invest in specific regions or countries. Use the Morningstar Category criteria to refine the search.
- Domestic Sector ETFs
Equity ETFs that specialize in individual U.S. sectors or industries. Results include all sectors. Use the Morningstar Category criteria to refine the search.
- Global Sector ETFs
ETFs that invest in sectors and industries with holdings that are more than 50% foreign. Use the Morningstar Category criteria to refine the results or to select a specific sector.
- Fixed Income ETFs
The fixed income screener includes all domestic bond ETFs as defined by Morningstar.
- Bond ETFs
Bond ETFs with 'A' or better Average Quality Ratings.
- High Distribution Yield ETFs
ETFs with Distribution Yields greater than 4.0%.
- ESG Funds
Funds that incorporate ESG into their strategies.
- Near Price Highs ETFs
ETFs that are within 5% of their 52 week highs.
- Near Price Lows ETFs
ETFs that are within 5% of their 52 week lows.
Screen Results
(3 Screen Results)Morningstar Category: Prime Money Market, Money Market-Taxable; Total Assets: empty; Price: empty; Average Volume (10 Day): empty; Net Expense Ratio: empty; Marke...
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- Basic Criteria
- Analyst Opinions
- Fund Performance
- Price Performance
- Valuation
- Risk Analysis
- Bonds
Viewing 1-3 of 3 matches
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Symbol | Description | |
GMMF | iShares Government Money ... | |
PMMF | iShares Prime Money Marke... | |
MMKT | Texas Capital Government ... |
Active semi-transparent (also known as non-transparent) ETFs operate differently from other exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Unlike other ETFs, an active semi-transparent ETF does not publicly disclose its entire portfolio composition each business day, which may affect the price at which shares of the ETF trade in the secondary market. To find out more about active semi-transparent ETFs, please read Active Semi-transparent ETFs: What you need to know.